Saturday, 8 March 2014

Assam Model Village

Rehab Model Village , 3 No Nachunguri,Hapachara,Bongaigaon,Assam

 What are the key challenges faced by rural India? 
 What has Drishtee done about it? 
 Where does the Model Village Plan fit in? 
 What is a Model Village? 
 What is the Model Village ecosystem? 
 How will the Model Village work? 
 Model Village Pilot: Observations & Recommendations 
 Model Village Plan: Roll Out Phases 
 What impact will Model Village deliver? 
 How you can participate? 

 What are the key challenges faced by rural India? 
 What has Drishtee done about it? 
 Where does the Model Village Plan fit in? 
 What is a Model Village? 
 What is the Model Village ecosystem? 
 How will the Model Village work? 
 Model Village Pilot: Observations & Recommendations 
 Model Village Plan: Roll Out Phases 
 What impact will Model Village deliver? 
 How you can participate? 

Drishtee operates a supply chain network in a 
“Route” which connects 20 villages per Route 
 The last mile of Drishtee’s operations that connects to a village is a “Route”. 
 Drishtee’s Route is established at the Block* level and a Route covers a group of 
20 contiguous villages – there are 6 such Routes/ Block (one per day of the 
 On each of these Routes, Drishtee services four categories of entrepreneurs: 
 Rural Retail Points (RRPs) 
 Education Kiosks 
 Banking & Micro Finance Kiosks; and 
 Health Kiosks 
 Drishtee’s vehicle leaves its Block level office in the morning (fully loaded with 
FMCG goods as well as material for other entrepreneur categories) and comes 
back empty in the evening. This process, however, leaves some spare capacity 
which can be utilized if there were some produce from a village-based micro 
enterprise that can be loaded on to the vehicle during its return journey 
* Block is an administrative unit in an Indian state under a District but above the villages Rural Retail 

Drishtee’s 4C Support for Rural Entrepreneur 
DF: Drishtee Foundation 
DDCL: Drishtee Development & Communications Ltd. 
DSDC: Drishtee Skill Development Center Pvt. Ltd. 
TBE: To be established 

Drishtee currently covers over 5,000 villages and 
14,000 entrepreneurs in three Indian states 
 Drishtee’s footprint in rural India extends across 17 
states, over 150 districts covering 8,000+ villages 
with 25,000+ entrepreneurs across India 
 From among this pan-India footprint, Drishtee is 
mainly active in the three states of Assam, Bihar, and 
Uttar Pradesh where its footprint covers 5,000 
villages with about 14,000 entrepreneurs and is 
perhaps the fastest-growing such network 

Model Village Defined 
 A Model Village is a sustainable rural community that is 
able to generate and maintain the resources necessary 
to improve its level of wellbeing and happiness without 
depleting economic, social & environmental values 
 In doing so, the Model Village strengthens the 
sustainability pillars of “Livelihood”, “Infrastructure” and 
 Therefore, the Model Village Plan is a natural next step 
in line with Drishtee’s current focus on “Services” and 
presents a holistic mechanism of bringing about 
sustainability of a village community unit 

The Model Village ecosystem consists of four 
entities with specific focus and purpose 
• Providing loans to the micro-enterprises 
established in villages and provide seed capital 
for basic infrastructure development in villages 

• Providing micro-enterprises the 4C support 
framework i.e. Capital, Capacity, Channel, 
& Community engagement and providing 
Services to villagers as is being done 
• Small businesses set up in villages 
to provide livelihood opportunities 
and stimulate village economy 
Village Micro-Enterprise 
• Providing basic 
infrastructure such as 
health, sanitation, potable 
water, etc. in the village 
Model Village Company (MVC) 
• Livelihood and Infrastructure 
• Livelihood, 
Infrastructure and 
• Primarily 
• Primarily basic 
Focus Entity Purpose The Model Village Fund builds o
The Vision and Goal of the Model Village Plan 
 Vision: We envision sustainable rural communities that 
are able to generate and maintain the resources 
necessary to increase their level of well being and 
happiness without depleting economic, social & 
environmental values 

 Goal: To understand a community ecosystem and 
engage 500 rural communities in the development of 
village based micro-enterprises that enable the 
increase of assets, income generation opportunities, 
provision of adequate services and advancement of 
social equity and sustainability by 2016

Model Village Pilot: Observations 
Following are the key observations from this pilot: 
 It is important for the individual entrepreneur to be completely 
focused on the business he/ she proposes to set up in the village 
and not get distracted – there have been instances that the 
business suffered because of marriage in the family or similar 
 It is seen that existing entrepreneurs are more likely to take lead 
in setting up micro-enterprises rather than new entrepreneurs 
because of lack of previous experience and risk averseness 
 The model of Self-Help-Groups (SHGs) being formed to start 
micro-enterprises is not evident 
Currently, Drishtee is conducting a 1-year pilot of Model Village 
Plan at Thawar village in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh 
with the objective to set up the processes and metrics that shall lead 
to establishing a replicable unit of Model Village 

Model Village Plan envisages sustainability of a village 
community by supporting all the pillars of sustainability 
namely Livelihood, Infrastructure and Services 
 Model Village presents a credible vehicle for bringing 
about sustainability of a village community unit, which is 
in line with Drishtee’s current focus on Services pillar 
 The plan is scaling up of Model Village from 1 village in 
2011/12 to 500 villages in 2016/17

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